Robbyns Report – End of Summer 2024

Robbyn’s Report – End of Summer  

30 August 2024 

Dear Neighbors, 

I hope you have had a great summer! I have been so busy all around the district with my Team 46 colleagues and staff – so much news to share!  

Team 46 at the July 4th Parade in Federal Hill 

L to R: Del. Edelson, Del. Lewis, Del. Clippinger and Sen. Ferguson & kids! 

Delegate Robbyn Lewis appointed to the House Environment & Transportation Committee 

Del. Lewis, newly appointed Chair of the Subcommittee on Land Use & Ethics! 

On July 1st House Speaker Adrienne Jones appointed me as Chair of the Land Use & Ethics Subcommittee of the Environment & Transportation Committee. “Robbyn has consistently demonstrated a high level of expertise on issues related to transportation, community development, and government accountability,” said Speaker Jones.” I am so proud and excited to serve! 

Scholarship News! 

L to R: Tracey Lewis, Gaby Feliciani & Del. Robbyn Lewis. May 2023 

Every year, I give scholarships to my constituents to support their educational goals. I still have student loans, so I am glad to help others reduce or avoid the same burden.  I just awarded over $52,000 to 64 students for the 2024-25 school year! If you are interested in applying for my scholarship next year, click here to receive my email reminder.  

Delegate Lewis Fighting for Pedestrian Safety 

Del. Lewis being interviewed about livable streets & pedestrian safety by WBAL reporter Barry Simms. June 2024 

On June 14th, Maryland Congressman Jamie Raskin (MD-8) introduced the “Active Transportation Safety Act”. Because of my work leading the Livable Streets Coalition, local media was interested in my take. On June 14th I was interviewed by Barry Simms from WBAL TV11. Pedestrian safety is a huge priority for me! You can watch the news report here

On June 26th, I submitted the first Livable Streets Coalition grant application! We requested $347,000 from the Maryland Department of Housing & Community Development (DHCD). Baltimore Regional Neighborhood Initiative (BRNI) grant program to improve pedestrian access to Library Square Park.  

L to R: Begonia Pecharroman, District Director, and Delegate R. Lewis writing the grant. June 2024 

Entitled “Livable Streets & Parks for All –  Parques y Calles del Buen Vivir” this project will make our community more livable by installing painted crosswalks at three intersections, building a play space for kids, and creating friendlier seating for seniors. We also asked for a drinking water fountain! Many thanks to the Southeast Community Development Corp. (SECDC) for being our fiscal agent!  

Livable Streets Coalition site visit for grant application. L to R: Molly McCullagh, SECDC; Del. Lewis; Andy Chew, Montessori Day Care; Tim Almaguer and his CIty Rec & Parks team. June 2024 

On August 26th after a preliminary review of our application, the BRNI Grant Review Team came to assess the site—a good sign! A decision is expected by December – stay tuned! 

BRNI Grant Team site visit for Livable Streets Coalition grant. L to R: Melissa Archer, Justin Fair, John Papagni and Sarah Kim from Maryland DHCD. Second photo: Molly McCullagh from SCDC and Sarah Kim. August 2024 

To get updates about this project, click here or join our Facebook group!  

It is Time for Better Transit! 

“We lost out in the last century. The vibe now is really transit forward. We need it and the people actually want it!” – Del. Lewis 

I will always fight for your right to great transit and livable, walkable, bikeable communities! This month, I spoke on a national virtual event for Kamala Harris and Tim Walz! I also gave an interview to Bloomberg City Lab about my transit advocacy!  

Screenshot of Del. Lewis speaking at the Train Lovers for Harris Walz national event 

On July 20th, I joined my friends from Bike Maryland for a tour of walkable streets in the Remington neighborhood. It was amazing! The tour featured the work of Graham Coreil-Allen, whose company Graham Projects designed and installed painted crosswalks and other amazing traffic calming projects! This kind of placemaking not only improves traffic safety but also makes neighborhoods more livable.   


Bike Maryland tour of Remington traffic calming. L to R: Urban planner Anthea Fernandes and Del. Lewis.  

On August 29th I presented at Transit Choices, where I discussed how we can use public health principles to create better transportation policies! You can listen to me here and check my presentation here

Maryland’s Summertime Meal Program 

Kids need healthy food to grow. That is why Governor Moore started the Sun Bucks meal program! If you or your little one gets SNAP, you can apply until August 31st! Click here for more information.  

Graphic courtesy of the Maryland Higher Education Commission, 07-03-24 

Program Open Space, Housing & Environmental Justice 

In July, me and my District Director Begona Pecharroman two city farms. The first was a tour hosted by the Maryland Commission on Environmental Justice & Sustainable Communities. We visited the community farm in Curtis Bay, just west of the elementary School.  

L to R: Del. Lewis with other guests at the community farm in Curtis Bay. July 2024 

We also visited the South Baltimore Community Land Trust (SBCLT) project in Curtis Bay. The permanently affordable multi-family condominium at 1129 Monroe Circle will be highly energy efficient.  

L to R: Melany Thomas and Del. Lewis at the highly energy efficient house. 

This project is the brainchild of D46 constituent and community leader Meleny Thomas. My 2024 Affordable Housing Land Trust Bill (HB0013) made this possible, changing the law and making multi-family land trust housing a reality. In addition, my Team 46 colleagues and I passed a Legislative Bond Initiative to provide capital funding for this project in 2021. 

Learning about the impact on air quality caused by vehicular emissions and coal dust in Curtis Bay 

Finally, we joined the Participatory Action Research Group from Benjamin Franklin High School. These bright students spoke eloquently about the public health impacts of living in a neighborhood burdened with industrial pollution.    

L to R: Delegate Lewis with educators Albina Joy and Dr. Nicole Fabricant, with Ben Franklin High School students. 

Finally, on August 11th, my District Director, Begonia Pecharroman, attended Kyle Bryant’s capstone project event at Plantation Park Heights Urban Farm.  

Begonia also met one of my urban farming heroes, Farmer Chippy! There is immense potential to create healthy communities through food sustainability in Baltimore. As House Chair of Program Open Space, I will keep working to support more sustainable farming in our city. 

L to R: Farmer Chippy, the founder of Plantation Park Heights Urban Farm. 

Alley Gating! 

Del. Lewis in her Green Alley 2016. 

As if I have not been busy enough, we are also alley-gating! Back in 2016, with help from the Healthy Harbor Initiative, we created a green oasis and painted the alley in a project that became famous! The Baltimore City Department of Transportation regulates the alley-gating process, which is overly complicated. And residents must raise their own funds, too. That is why it has taken us so long. 

Today, after two decades of effort, we finally secured funds and all the other requirements to put gates at the entrances to our alley! This is a way to create a healthy, inviting place for everyone. My neighbors and I first started making plans to gate in 2008.  

L to R: Before and after – In the Green Alley 2016 

We won a Baltimore Regional Neighborhood Initiative (BRNI) grant for $45,000 to fund our “Green Alley Arts, Blooms, Lights & Gates” project! Thanks to our fiscal agent, the Patterson Park Neighborhood Association (PPNA), and President Ernest Le, we will transform our block with resident-driven placemaking!  

L to R: Del. Lewis, Sonja Sandoval, and Elizabeth Harper working on the BRNI grant for alley gating. April 2024 

One more thing: at the request of my colleague, Senator Antonio Hayes (D40), I am hosting a tour of PPNA’s gated alleys later this fall. I want to share all we have learned here with other neighborhoods that want to do placemaking. Stay tuned for updates! 

L to R: Del. Lewis, Chelsea Goldsmith and neighbors cleaning in Unit North Potomac/Curley Alley. 2016. 

In The District 

  • Curtis Bay Elementary School– on September 26th  

My Team 46 colleagues and I secured state capital funds through a Legislative Bond Initiative (LBI) to renovate one of this school’s playgrounds. My District Director, Begonia Pecharroman, has been following up on these project planning meetings since June, and on Thursday, September 26, from 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM, they need volunteers. If you want to help Curtis Bay School build a playground in partnership with KABOOM, sign up here!   

L to R: Kaboom team and Baltimore City staff with Cara Woolston of Del. Clippinger office (the fourth person) and Begonia Pecharroman of Del. Lewis office. 

  • Sharpe-Leadenhall – Community Festival on August 24th  

The Sharpe Leadenhall annual festival was a warm and welcoming gathering of neighbors in this historic African American community. The board of Ebenezer AME Church and Ms. Betty Bland-Thomas, a neighborhood historian and community activist who preserves the history of Sharp-Leadenhall, shared their work and worries with me.    

L to R: Lisa Harvin, Del. Lewis, Marlo Coates, seated: Kathy McCauley, Joann Havin. Second photo: Ms. Betty Bland-Thomas and Del. Lewis.  


 L to R: Del. Clippinger, Tyler McCurdy (Sen. Ferguson’s District Director) & Del. Lewis. 

  • Highlandtown – Rock the Block on August 22nd  

My District Director, Begonia Pecharroman, ably represented me at the Rock the Block event in Highlandtown, hosted by the Mayor’s Immigrant Affairs (MIMA). It was a fun opportunity to talk with the neighbors and the Highlandtown Community Association.  And do not forget! I am on the agenda for the next Highlandtown Community Association meeting on Sept 16th in Creative Alliance at 7 p.m.!    

L to R: Catalina Rodriguez with staff from MIMA and the board of Highlandtown Community Association. 

  • Washington Hill Association – Community Meeting on August 8th   

My district director, Begonia Pecharroman, ably represented me at the Washington Hill meeting on August 8th! One of the topics was the renovation of the historic Betty Hyatt Park on Baltimore Street. I am proud that I could secure state capital dollars (through a bond bill) to help fund park improvements!  

  • Cherry Hill – South Baltimore Seven (SB7) Ribbon Cutting on June 25th 

The SB7 is an umbrella group of seven neighborhoods in South Baltimore, including Brooklyn, Cherry Hill, Curtis Bay, Lakeland, Mt. Winans, Port Covington, and Westport. On June 25th, they celebrated the construction of their first headquarters at 205 E. Patapsco Ave. My Team 46 colleagues and I secured state capital funds through a Legislative Bond Initiative (LBI) to complete this project construction, which transformed a neglected building in Brooklyn into a great community space! 

L to R: Michelle Rich, Del. Lewis & Melany Thomas.  

  • Inner Harbor – Harbor Splash on June 23rd  

Guys, I jumped in Baltimore Harbor and lived to tell the tale! (I was only itchy for a few days after!) Hosted by the Waterfront Partnership, it was the first public swim in Baltimore Harbor in 40 years. More than 1,000 people signed up! There are plans for another jump in 2025!   

L to R: Delegate Robbyn Lewis and Comptroller Brooke Lierman, 23 June 2024 

  • Little ItalyCommunity Meeting on June 18th 

It was great attending the Little Italy Neighborhood Association President Lisa Regnante presided over a wide-ranging agenda, with a keynote presentation by Councilman-elect Jermaine Jones!    

L to R: Del. Robbyn Lewis and Lisa Regnante. 

  • Brewers Hill Neighbors Meeting on June 11th 

I attended the Brewer’s Hill Neighbors meeting with my Team 46 colleagues. We gave an overview of the 2024 legislative session. It was great to see President Brant Fisher and the Board!  

L to R: Del. Robbyn Lewis, Del. Edelson, Senator Ferguson and BHN board members. 

  • Bayview Community Association Meeting on June 11th 

I attended the Bayview Community Association meeting with my Team 46 colleagues. We gave an overview of the 2024 legislative session. It was great to see President Cesar Romero and the Board! 

L to R: Del. Lewis, Del. Clippinger, Bayview Neighborhood President Cesar Romero, & Sen. Ferguson 


L to R: The group of Latino dancers. Second photo: Casa de la Cultura at Highlandtown. 

On August 10th, my District Director, Begonia Pecharroman, participated in the second anniversary of la Casa de la Cultura, a cultural program of Nuestras Raices Inc. in Highlandtown.   

L to R: Del. Robbyn Lewis, Joe DiSeta and other members of the Baltimore Family Alliance 

On July 25th, I joined the Baltimore Family Alliance at  Dypski Park to celebrate its renovation, which was completed in 2022.   

Celebrating my birthday at the Patterson Park Concert Series on Pagoda Hill! 

If you need assistance any time, please contact my office at  

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